
Bray Falls and Chester Hall-Fernandez discover new nebula

How Two Astrophotographers Discovered a New Nebula

"It is a very common misconception amongst people that the night sky has been explored in its entirety by the great professional space observatories like James Webb, Hubble, NASA, and ESA. People think there is nothing left for the average person to go out and discover in space. But this couldn't be further from the truth," says astrophotographer Bray Falls.

James Webb Space Telescope interview with Joe DePasquale and Alyssa Pagan

How Editors Blend Art and Science to Bring NASA’s Space Photos to Life

Since it began its full scientific operations at the second Lagrange point (L2), about one million miles (1.5 million kilometers) from Earth last year, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has enchanted people around the world. Webb's photos have inspired many people to learn more about space and look at the night sky with unprecedented wonder and curiosity.

A Complete Guide to Capturing Gorgeous Photos of the Night Sky

Peter Baumgarten is an award-winning nature photographer, educator, and OM SYSTEM Ambassador based on Canada’s Manitoulin Island. The island’s dark sky location provides Baumgarten with stunning nature and minimal light pollution, which allows the photographer to capture bright stars, the Milky Way, and northern lights from right outside his front door.

Bortle 1: The Best Skies in the World for Astrophotography

To reveal the real colors of the night skies, you need to find good dark skies. The best sky quality for astrophotography is found in locations classified as Bortle Class 1 on the Bortle scale, which measures night sky brightness.

K&F Concept

How Using Light Pollution Filters Enhances Your Night Sky Photography

So you’ve found your perfect spot to capture the night sky. The weather is perfect and you’ve been tracking the stars and planets for weeks to capture this moment. But, when that perfect moment comes, the pictures you’ve captured end up hazy and soft. Why? Likely due to excessive light pollution from the surrounding area, especially if you’re nearby a larger city.

Nikon Z Mount 17-28mm f/2.8

Nikon Z 17-28mm f/2.8 Nightscape and Astrophotography Review

Last September, Nikon released the Z mount 17-28mm f/2.8 lens. Immediately, two specifications piqued my interest when it came to how this lens would perform with astrophotography and nightscapes: it was a wide-angle lens and also fast at f/2.8.

How One Astrophotographer Made a New Scientific Discovery

Astrophotographer Bray Falls recently posted a series of striking images on Instagram that instantly caught PetaPixel's eye. Falls' photos aren't just visually stunning; they represent a brand-new discovery, a significant accomplishment for any astrophotographer.

How to Shoot an Astro Timelapse

Milky Way season is the best time to learn how to plan and shoot an astrophotography timelapse, capturing the majestic galactic core in motion!