
How to Use Street Lights to Improve Your Night Street Photography

Nighttime street and urban photography can actually be easy. Street lamps (your ready-made light sources), can effectively provide all the light you need for your photos. The illumination gives you compositional ideas and options for taking great shots.

The Lost America Project: 30-Years of Urban Exploration Light Painting

It was the late-eighties. I had been working at Galoob Toys as a designer on the Micro Machines line, creating cars and playsets for several years. A dream job, drawing and painting cars and roadside architecture for a living, but I also craved something different that I could do for personal work.

Aerial Photos of Greenhouses at Night

Award-winning German photographer Tom Hegen recently took to the skies above The Netherlands at night and capturing striking photos of massive greenhouses illuminated in the landscapes below. The newly-published work is titled "The Greenhouse Series."

How to Shoot Great Nighttime Street Photography

Ah, the night, what a wonderful time to go out and do some street photography! As a photographer who got his start in the streets of Tokyo, it was inevitable that I would end up photographing mostly at night.

Snowy Street Photography in Sapporo, Japan, a Hidden Gem

I always wanted to shoot Japan during the winter when it was snowing, and earlier this year I got the chance when I headed to Sapporo—the biggest city in Hokkaido, Japan’s northernmost island. This city is seriously underrated for street photography.

Photos of Venice Canals at Night

The famous canals of Venice, Italy, are usually photographed with the hustle and bustle of tourists and boats. French photographer Thibaud Poirier decided to visit them in the quiet of the night and shoot beautiful photos showing a different side of the city.

How to Photograph the Milky Way

This guide will be a walkthrough of the basics of Milky Way photography. It is best for beginners, but even intermediate and expert photographers might find something new! Plus, I always find it never hurts to refresh yourself on the basics.

Shooting Infrared Photos of Barn Owls at Night

Photographer Will Burrard-Lucas was recently challenged to recreate his photos of African wildlife in the UK. This 3.5-minute video shows how he went about shooting beautiful nighttime infrared photos of barn owls.

Nikon Night Photography Showdown: D850 vs the D750, D810, and D5

My name is Lance Keimig, and I'm one of the instructors for National Parks at Night, a workshop program focused on night photography in national parks. All five of us instructors are primarily Nikon shooters. Between us, we use the D750, D810, D3s, D4s, and D5. Although we are generally happy with our current cameras, some of us are ready for an upgrade.

An Easy Way to Compose Landscape Photos at Night

When you’re out taking nighttime landscape photos, one of the most difficult tasks is composing your photos exactly how you want. The reason? It’s simply too dark to see anything.

Nighttime Photos of Tokyo Under the Glow of Neon Lights

German-French graphic designer Matthieu Bühler has been shooting gorgeous nighttime photos of Tokyo, Japan, focusing his attention on the illumination created by all the different neon lights found across the city. His series is titled "Neon Dreams."

Capturing the Incredibly Rare Moonlit Firefall at Yosemite

This is the famous and elusive Horsetail "Firefall" in Yosemite National Park, but unlike every other image you may have seen—taken near sunset around February—the fire effect in this image is caused by moonlight. That's the only possible way one could see the firefall and stars at the same time.

This is the Camera Tech Used to Film Animals in Pitch Dark for Planet Earth II

Wildlife photography and videography is more incredible today than ever before, thanks in large part to the last decade's amazing leaps in camera technology. This behind the scenes look at the cameras used by the BBC to shoot Planet Earth II shows you how advances in camera tech have allowed us to see the creatures of the night in ways never before thought possible.

Mesmerizing Long Exposure Photos of Traffic Lights in the Fog

Fine Art photographer Lucas Zimmermann's long exposure photographs of traffic lights in the fog are oddly satisfying. At once creepy and serene, his 2013 series Traffic Lights and this month's follow-up Traffic Lights 2.0 are both worth checking out.

Mountain Biking At Night, Shot Under Moonlight with the Sony a7S II

Photographer Justin Olsen of Salt Lake City, Utah, recently visited a mountain biking trail at night with Cody Kelley, the world's 39th ranked rider. While Kelley did runs and jumps, Olsen shot video entirely by moonlight using the Sony a7S II. The 1-minute Red Bull video above is what resulted.