
3 Film Hacks to Expand Your Photo Creativity

The resurgence of interest in film photography is astonishing. Newcomers revel in the challenge of having only a limited number of photos per roll. They enjoy the suspense of waiting a lengthy period for the film to be processed before they see whether their photos have turned out.

8 Helpful Camera Hacks for Landscape Photography

Much of successful landscape photography depends on having the right location, composition, and light, but photographer Mark Denney has shared 8 camera tips and hacks that can further enhance the shooting process and benefit photographers of all levels of experience.

If You Use a WD My Book Live Hard Drive, Unplug It Immediately

Western Digital, most well known for making many types of popular hard drives including the My Book line external devices, is advising users to disconnect any My Book Live storage devices from the internet as soon as possible and until further notice to prevent files from being deleted.

How to Optimize Lightroom Classic for the Best Performance

One of the consequences of reviewing computers for PetaPixel and running benchmark after benchmark is that you learn a thing or two about working in Lightroom. From weird quirks to the optimal performance settings for import, export, and editing, there are a few key changes you can make to coax a little more speed out of Adobe's Raw editor.

YouTuber Debunks Viral Photography ‘Hacks’ She Found Online

Professional photographer and YouTube Jessica Kobeissi recently decided to take on some of the viral "DIY photography hacks" that she's seen online, and see if they work as expected... or at all. As you might imagine, for the most part, the answer is "not really." But it makes fur a fun video actually investigating these hacks.

My Top 5 Photo Hacks as a Commercial Photographer

Over the past decade and a bit (the years are flashing by!) I have managed to find some great hacks. In this 3.5-minute video, I go through my 5 favorite hacks as a commercial photographer.

8 Film Photography Tips for Beginners

Film photographer and YouTuber Willem Verbeek has released a helpful video for beginners that covers his 8 favorite film photography hacks and tips. Some are useful, some are obvious, and some are just good sense.

Back-to-Basics: 7 Street Photography Tips for Beginners

Photographer Evan Raft recently published a list of 7 helpful, back-to-basics tips for anybody who is interested in getting started with street photography. If you're a beginner, this video is a great place to start before going out and trying to capture your first few street shots.

Nine DIY Filmmaking and Photography Hacks Using Cardboard

YouTuber Jordy of Cinecom.net recently put together a list of DIY filmmaking and photography hacks that are proving to be quite popular. In just under 7 minutes, he covers 9 hacks, all of which use cardboard to make the magic happen.

10 Portrait Photography ‘Hacks’ You’ll Wish You Knew Sooner

Portrait photographer Miguel Quiles recently released a two-part series on "portrait hacks" that might be his most popular series of tips ever. In the videos, he covers 10 tips from his years of experience shooting and teaching workshops—tips that he says "everyone wishes they knew sooner."

Lightroom Keyword Hacks: Making the Most of Your Keywords

Confession time. I hate keywording my photos. I’d rather be cutting the front lawn with a pair of scissors or ironing wallpaper. But about the 10th time it took me an hour or more to find photo, one that I knew was in my Lightroom catalog somewhere, I had to do something about keywording.

Filmmaker Tries 5 Creative and Crazy S*itty Rig Camera Hacks

Filmmaker and YouTuber Dan Mace is a big fan of the S*itty Rigs blog, where creatives share the crappiest DIY rigs they've ever used in order to get the shot on a budget. In his latest video, Mace tries out five of the rigs that he felt had the most potential... so you don't have to.

Pro Food Photographer Debunks Viral ‘Food Styling Hacks’

Those "food styling hacks" videos that go viral online every few months might not be entirely truthful—in fact, they're often entirely misleading. Which is why professional food photographer Scott Choucino put together this video reacting to/debunking some of the most common hacks he's seen online.

10 Helpful Tips for Posing Hands in Portraits

In his most recent video, portrait photographer Miguel Quiles decided to tackle what we'll call the "Ricky Bobby" problem: what do you do with your [model's] hands? After years of trial and error, Quiles has come up with 10 "hacks" or tips that have helped him conquer this issue.

Tricks Food Photographers Use to Make Food Look Delicious

Food photographers have an arsenal of tricks up their sleeves to make food look delicious on camera. And more often than not, these hacks make use of non-edible products that aren't appetizing. Blossom has created an eye-opening video that reveals the dirty (sometimes literally) little tricks of food photographers.

10 Photoshop Hacks for Portraits

Photographer Irene Rudnyk made this 22-minute video to share her top 10 Photoshop hacks when working on portraits. These are tips and tricks Rudnyk says she uses all the time on all of her photos.

6 Camera Gear Storage Ideas in 90 Seconds

Looking to organize your ever-growing collection of cameras, lenses, and accessories? Here's a short and sweet video in which Ted Forbes of The Art of Photography shares 6 DIY storage hacks in just 90 seconds.

8 DIY Photo Filters You Can Make at Home

If you're looking to add a creative touch to your photos, you can consider making a DIY lens filter for custom effects. Here's a 3-minute video from COOPH that suggests 8 photo filters that you can make at home to spice up your photos in seconds.

5 Hacks for Adding Color to Portraits

Looking for some ideas for creatively altering the look of your photos? Here's a 2-minute video by photographer Jessica Kobeissi that runs through 5 handy hacks. Using everyday items, you can easily introduce some abstract color into portraits.

5 Hacks for Creative Photography in 1 Minute

Want to spice up your photography and try some unorthodox methods for getting unusual photos? This 1-minute video may be the inspiration you need. Photographer Dan Watson runs through 5 neat accessories that will let you "hack" your way to creative photos.