
Does Instagram Notify When You Screenshot a Story?

When browsing Instagram, it could be tempting to take a screenshot of a Story, particularly since the content is always changing, advancing to the next Story after only a few seconds. If you give in to that urge, you might wonder if the owner of the account gets notified about your interest and that you saved an image from their story or feed.

Video Game Photos by a Top Wedding Photographer

Ray Soemarsono of Apertura is a wedding photographer from Southern California who has received major accolades and awards for his work. More recently, Soemarsono has been receiving attention for a different kind of photography: photos shot inside the virtual world of a video game.

Polaroid-Shaped Printer Encourages You to Photograph Your Online Adventures

Here's an interesting idea/experiment put together by Adrià Navarro and DI Shin that takes photographing your daily life to a whole new level. Fair warning, if you think that taking pictures of your breakfast or your night out bowling is overkill, you should probably stop reading now...

The Polaroid Cacher is a wireless printer housed inside a Polaroid Land Camera case, and its sole purpose is to take pictures of your daily online adventures.

Homer Simpson Fixing Marge’s Camera

Apparently Homer Simpson is quite handy with tools and savvy with camera repairs. Here he demonstrates the proper technique for getting a broken camera to magically work again... or for installing a custom tripod thread to the top of a camera.