
The Decisive Moment: What Henri Cartier-Bresson Actually Meant

The photographic master Henri Cartier-Bresson made some key observations about photography, translated as “the decisive moment” which is often (incorrectly) characterized as: "capturing an event that is ephemeral and spontaneous, where the image represents the essence of the event itself."

136 Inspirational Photography Quotes in 2023

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But I wonder, what else do “they” say? In order to find out, I’ve culled together the best photography quotes on the subjects of photographs, cameras, inspiration, and more, as said by some of history's most famous and talented photographers.

How to Photograph Dogs like Elliott Erwitt

The relationship between man and dog is unlike man’s relationship with any other animal on the planet. When it comes to animal photography, you can find many books, online lessons, or YouTube videos showing you and teaching you how to photograph animals... so that they look like animals. This article is not going to be the typical wildlife photography manual where you sneak up on a dog in a nature documentary style or take a shot with an 800mm lens hidden in the mud.

21 Portrait Photography Lessons from 21 Great Photographers

My portrait photography education didn’t happen in a classroom, library, or workshop. Most of what I learned came from studying my heroes’ work, trying to figure out why I loved their pictures, and then putting my own twist on them.

f/0.95 and Be There: Fixing 10 Famous Photography Quotes

If you know me, then you know I love a good one-liner. In fact, I put together what may be the best collection of portrait photography quotes in history. But even I can get sick of hearing the same old pearls of wisdom from the same old boomers. So I’ve upgraded 10 famous photography quotes so they make more sense in our modern photography world.

10 Quotes from Writers That Will Make You a Better Photographer

It might sound strange to suggest that writers can teach us anything about photography. I believe, though, that any creative pursuit springs from the same space within us, whether it’s photography, writing, painting or even making exquisitely beautiful cakes.

7 Things Pablo Picasso Can Teach Us About Photography

As I am always looking to improve my photography by learning, part of the process is seeking inspiration from others who create. I don’t, however, confine myself to just learning from other photographers. I cast my net for ideas wide, and look to artists, writers, musicians -- whoever it is that will inspire me with new ways of seeing and fresh ideas.

7 Ideas Motivating Me in My Photography Right Now

A huge part of my photo practice is not taking photos. Photography is an inner game. What comes out in our photography is the total expression of who we are, how we think, and what we see.

The Impact of Adobe’s Subscription Model on Photoshop

As a professional photo retoucher, I owe Adobe most of my life. Without them, I would honestly not be where I am today, being able to do what I love every single day! Over the years, it has also gone through a multitude of changes, and since my life is tied directly to Photoshop, I pay very close attention to them.

30 Things You Never Want to Hear from a Client

"We love your style! So we're going to hire you to do something completely different!" If that sentence makes you laugh, then the 30 statements in this post are going to hit home.

10 Famous Street Photography Quotes You Must Know

If you want to get a deeper insight into street photography and take better photos, I feel it is very important to study the work of the street photographers who came before us and paved the way for the rest of us. Not only that, but reading the quotes and words by these influential street photographers is a great way to train your mind to take better photos as well.

Here are some of my favorite street photography quotes that are concise, inspirational, and have influenced me in one way or another.

20 Inspiring Quotes About What Photography Is

Photography allows one to capture the world around them with the press of a shutter. From a scientific perspective, it is the act of recording light either electronically or chemically. However, this tells us nothing about the heart of photography and what it truly means to us on a personal level. We have assembled a list of 20 great quotes from notable photographers, past and present, that answers the simple question: “What is photography?”

Why Gursky’s Photo of the Rhine is the World’s Most Expensive Photo

The art world was abuzz last week after Andreas Gursky's photograph Rhein II sold at auction for a ground-breaking $4.3 million. The print may be Plexiglas-mounted, signed, and gigantic (it's nearly 12 feet wide), but the price had many people scratching their heads. Thankfully, there has been no shortage of articles written since to explain things to uncultured folk who don't understand the astronomical prices paid for fine art.